A Child's Prayer
Hear me, blessed
Jesus, as I say my prayers today
And tell me You
are close to me and You'll never go away.
Tell me that You
love me like the Bible says You do,
And tell me also,
Jesus, I can always come to You
And You will understand
me when other people don't,
And though some
may forget me, just tell me that You won't.
Jesus, stay real
close to me at home and school and play,
For I will feel
much braver if You're never far away.
And sometimes
when I'm naughty, I hope You won't be sad,
For really I don't
mean to don't mean to do anything that's bad.
Most of all, dear
Jesus, I want to tell you that I know
Our Father sent
you to us to live on earth below
So little children
like myself would know You too were small
And that You are
our dearest Friend and that You understand us all.
And some day when
I'm older I will show you it is true
That even as a
little child, my heart belongs to you.

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maintained by B. Miller