New Management
Nothing goes right
- everything's wrong --
You stumble and fall
as you trudge along.
The other guy wins
and you always lose,
Whatever you hear
is always bad news.
Well, here's some
advice that's worth a try -
Businessmen use it
when they want sales to soar high.
Old management goes
and the new comes in,
For this is the way
big business can win.
So if you are trying
to manage your life,
Yet all around is
caos and strife,
Make up your mind
that you too need a change
And start making plans
to somehow rearrange
The way that you think
and the things that you do
And whatever it is
that is hindering you.
Then put yourself
under God's management now,
And when He takes
over you'll find that somehow
Everything changes
-- old things pass away
And the darkness of
night becomes the brightness of day,
For God can transform
and change into winners
The losers, the skeptics,
and even the sinners.

created and maintained by B. Miller